WANIDA Home Health

Mr. Vincent Watts
Owner & Director of Operations
Thank you for stopping by to learn more about me. Below you will find my experience throughout my career, education, and ministry. You will also find how I served my community through the various boards and initiatives I have served on.
My Experience
Pastor, First Church of God in Christ (Canton, OH) | 2024-Present
Asst. Pastor, First Church of God in Christ
Master's Degree in Management, Walsh University
Bachelor's Degree in Business, Malone University
Business Manager, Local Developmentally Disabled Agency
Student Success Coach, Harter Elementary School
Coordinator, Gibbs Elementary School 21st Century Afterschool Program
Local Franchisee, Jan-Pro Commerical Cleaning Company
President & CEO, Greater Stark County Urban League
Program Director, Goodwill Urban Hope for Ohio
Executive Director, Stark County Town Hall on Race Relations
OH & MI Procurement Manager, AT&T
Various Positions, CWA Local 4309/AFL-CIO District 4
Directory Assistance Operator, Ohio Bell Telephone Company
Boards & Initiatives:
Member, Stark State College President's Advisory Committee
Member, Aultman Hospital School of Nursing Board of Trustees
Chair, United Way COMPASS Committee Community Living Committee
Advisor, Mercy Medical Diversity Committee
Member, Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce Brain Gain Committee
Member, Canton Rotary Club
And More
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.